Study in New Zealand

New Zealand offers a world-class education in a postcard-perfect environment. New Zealand has an excellent, centrally managed quality assurance system. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) requires that institutions are registered to enroll international students and ensures compliance with qualifications standards.

Five New Zealand universities were ranked in the top 400 universities in the world by the 2013-2014 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

New Zealand has always been internationally recognized for its excellent education standards and for training high quality teachers, which makes it rather a given fact that the institutions in New Zealand provide one of the best world class teaching faculties. Apart from this, New Zealand also has a high quality of amenities and research facilities for its students.

But that is not all the country has to offer. It also provides a perfect mix of a modern cosmopolitan society that exists in perfect harmony with the country’s outdoorsy lifestyle. Replete with all kinds of natural landscaped ranging from snowcapped mountains and steaming volcanoes to rolling green hills, golden sandy beaches and lush rainforests. Living in New Zealand provides every student a chance to grow with its multi-cultural society and natural wonders all at once. Education in New Zealand is truly an all-encompassing experience.

Education System

From expert teaching staff to world-class facilities and a rich pool of natural resources, New Zealand is popular among students seeking a secure study environment and outdoor lifestyle.

For students looking for a secure study environment and an outdoorsy lifestyle, New Zealand provides an expert teaching staff with world class facilities and an abundance of natural resources. With a number of institutes for technology and polytechnics, private tertiary and training institutes, teacher training facilities, English language training centers and eight public universities, New Zealand has a plethora of study options for students pursuing their higher education. Additionally, the education system in New Zealand is centrally managed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) which requires the registration of institutes that enroll international students. The NZQA ensures that the education in the various universities and institutes are in compliance with global qualifications standards in order to maintain the integrity and high quality of the courses being taught in New Zealand. Five of the eight New Zealand universities have also been featured in the top universities in the world by Times Higher Education World University rankings. An epitome of education, New Zealand promises an unmatched learning experience for all its students.

Cost of studying

One of the advantages of studying in New Zealand is value for your money. Living expenses and tuition costs are comparatively affordable.

Tuition fees vary depending on the type of course (arts or science; undergraduate/bachelor or postgraduate) and the duration of the course.

As compared to most study destination, New Zealand provides one with value for money as the living expenses and tuition costs in New Zealand are very affordable. The tuition fee of course varies from course to course and university to university, and of course with the duration of the course. The cost of rental accommodation also depends on a number of factors like where you study and the style of accommodation.

Like other parts of the world, the cost of rental accommodation varies greatly depending on where you study and the style of accommodation. The living cost in New Zealand is at an average NZ$ 15000 per year as per Immigration New Zealand guidelines.


  1. Scholarships help students a lot financially as they help reduce tuition costs, especially when studying in a foreign university. There are a number of scholarships available for international students wishing to study in New Zealand universities. To get a scholarship, you need to meet certain criteria, which may vary from university to university, but the basic criteria that they can be based on are:
  • Area of study
  • Academic merit
  • Community service or involvement
  • Ethnicity
  • Financial hardship
  • The industry or trade
  • Leadership
  • The region you grew up in, or where you plan to study.
